Ladies’ Bible Study

All ladies are invited to join the Bath Road Baptist ladies weekly Thursday morning bible study that begins on  January 14, 2021. The study runs from 9:45 – 11:00 a.m. either in the main floor church sanctuary or online via Zoom (link: Those who attend in person will be required to wear a mask and practice social distancing which the church sanctuary enables us to do. Unfortunately refreshments and childcare will not be provided due to COVID restrictions.

Ella Mann will lead us in studying the second half of the gospel of Luke using a study book entitled “BE Courageous” by Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe.

Encounter the ultimate profile in courage. It takes courage to walk out our faith. Courage to stand for what we believe. To set our standards on Biblical truth, not cultural trends. To pursue a life defined by integrity and character. And we find no greater profile in courage than in the life of Christ. Our winter study follows our Savior as he faced opposition, challenged critics, and courageously chose to make the ultimate sacrifice. You’ll be encouraged to trust God, and inspired to embrace fearless living.

Come and invite your friends!

To join, contact Judy Prince ( or 613-767-2767):

– your name, phone number and email address;

– if you will be participating in person or via zoom; and

– if you would like a study book ordered for you. For those who are able, a suggested donation of $15 will be collected for the book. (Alternatively you may order your own paper or e-book at the following link (note applicable postage & US exchange rates apply): (

Questions? Contact Judy Prince, Ella Mann or Erin Couperus